
Showing posts from 2014

Doctrine mapping (ORM) with Database (DAL), Unidirectional vs Bidirectional.

Creating relationships inside a database is a very common thing for an web developer. Respecting to to RDBMS concept, we can create any sort of relationship inside a database. Things get changed when we have to use Doctrine for the mapping with database. Initially this made pretty much confused to me. Only after live working examples and few docs, I could able to get rid of it somehow. This post is about Doctrine mapping and difference between Unidirectional and Bidirectional relationship. What is Doctrine ? Doctrine is a set of PHP libraries that provides persistence services that is helpful managing PHP objects with Database layer. That means it creates a bridge between PHP light weight mapped objects and Database Objects. So Doctrine provides how to map PHP objects internally by its ORM (Object Relational Mapper) and its DB layer (DAL : Database Abstraction Layer) provides a unique object based query language(DQL : Doctrine Query Language) to write db queries independent of data...

How to pass default value for a parameter in Symfony routing.

Sometimes we need to pass a default to any of the passed parameter in a Symfony Routing. Thankfully Symfony Routing has this option as to set in 2nd parameter. Below is how to do this : While registering a router : 1 2 3 acme_read_company: path: /company_read/{id} defaults: { _controller : "AcmeDemoBundle:Default:readCompany" , id : 0 }

Drupal 7 - How to make dynamic select box through Drupal #ajax framework

In Drupal 7 we often need few select boxes to be dependent themselves that means the child select box options are dependent on the parent field's selected option. A very nice example could be Country, State, City those normally has dependency. Though the trick behind Drupal 7 ajax framework is quite simple but it takes quite a time for a first timer as usual ;) . In this post, I have explained a similar example that does the same with no JS required (Drupal 7 does it behind the screen). The Example: I have a Drupal 7 vanilla instance, that has article content type by default. Article content type has 2 select box field depending on each other, Parent field called : Datatype (field_data_type) and child field called as Subdata(field_sub_data). Apart form the Durpal 7 content type config, I am using a custom module named as 'common' and only a hook_form_alter to modify the form. So, Lets start by hooking the form : The form alter: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...